Mama Restore is an online & in studio exercise fitness programme designed for Moms-To-Be and new Moms. We offer an all in one programme to guide you through pregnancy, birth, the postpartum recovery and beyond.
All of the pre- and post-natal educational and exercise classes are run by Denise Louw, founder of the Mama Restore programme. She has over 40 years experience in the fitness industry, with international qualifications in designing exercise programmes for antenatal and postnatal clients.
If you would like to get your body ready for birth and eliminate the aches and pains of pregnancy the Mama Restore is here to support and guide you. We offer online classes either pre-recorded video links or live Zoom classes, to help you strengthen your core and pelvic floor. We address your posture and alignment as well as teaching you how to breathe properly. Our aim is to deliver an intelligent pre-natal fitness programme which also educates you along each trimester of your pregnancy journey avoiding lower back pain, joint issues and preventing separation of the midline (Diastasis Recti).
When you sign up, we offer class videos covering each trimester which can be practiced in the comfort of your own home, at a time that suits you. Alternatively, if you prefer to workout with others then join one of our live Zoom classes. You will need to complete a pre-screening questionnaire prior to commencing classes, and if necessary, we will contact you to arrange a virtual consultation.
If you are interested, then why not contact us then we can get in touch with you to discuss your options or book an online consultation here.
Once baby has arrived, you can begin your postpartum recovery journey starting as early as 1-2 weeks. As you adjust to your new life as a Mom, we will guide you through the 4th trimester, a time of great emotional and physical change, with gentle exercises to allow the body to recover and heal.
The recovery is much more than just exercises, and when you purchase our packages, you will have the exercises and advice appropriate to the week you are at in your postpartum phase. The ‘real’ exercises start after you have had your 6-8 week check up with your ob/gynae, but there is still lots to learn before that to make sure you are healing in a safe and holistic way.
In addition, we will empower you with the extra knowledge needed during this time; restoring your pelvic floor, recovering from your birth (whether it was a c-section or vaginal birth), how to correct your alignment, posture and breathing, how to eat correctly, adjusting both emotionally and physically, as well as returning to more advanced fitness when you are ready and have met the specified requirements to progress to the next level without risk of injury.
When you purchase any of our postpartum packages ranging from the introductory package, the 1–16-week recovery package plus the baby wearing exercise package you are joining a tribe of modern Moms looking to restore their bodies and self-confidence, armed with a well-researched evidence-based programme.
Mama Restore specialises in treating Moms with Diastasis Recti (separation of the midline or Mummy Tummy), which can occur during pregnancy and should be healed by 16 weeks. We can offer advice and specific exercises for this to avoid the need for surgery. Please contact us to arrange a consultation to offer you advice and direction. If you are not sure whether you have this or not, we offer a FREE self-check instructional video to help you.
When you purchase the postpartum packages, you will need to complete an online screening form. If there are any areas of concern, we can refer you to the right healthcare professional. You can also book a virtual consultation by clicking here.
We are so excited to welcome you to Mama Restore!
My “Surprise” Pregnancy
The following post is based on words from my pregnancy journal. Weeks 5-8 To me having a baby is an absolute miracle. It is a true gift of love and in an everchanging world, Mother Nature; through the birth of a new life life reminds us that some things remain...
My Home Birth Story
I'm Pregnant! Way back in 1993 people were surprised when I announced that I was pregnant with my third child and even more shocked more than surprised when I decided that this time round I was going to have a baby MY way. My way was a home birth where I could...
Case Studies on real life postnatal recovery!
Well, here we are again following on from my last blog about separation of the midline alias diastasis recti. This time talking about real life case studies and where better to start than with my own family! Twins Causes Postnatal Tummy Gap My eldest daughter has...
Mummy Tummy, Jelly Belly, Baby Pouch – Will the real “DIASTASIS RECTI” please stand up?!
What on earth is this weird sounding name called diastasis recti? You are not alone as most people have never heard of it but get in a friendship group and mention a post birth baby boep (South African slang for belly) and most Moms identify with that immediately! In...
Taking control of your body
I know, I can hear what you're saying, the only one taking control of me right now is a 6 kilo infant - the latest joy of my life! In my previous blogs we spoke about the 4th trimester, the post natal healing process and the influence that the hormone relaxin has on...
Knowledge is Power
Trying to be the best that I could... At the ripe old age of 56 years old and working with pre and post natal Moms, I wish that I could have had more knowledge when I was a new Mom trying to be the best I could! I didn’t have any real support other than what my Mum...