Mama Restore Postpartum Recovery

It can be really confusing for a new Mom to know when and what is the right programme to begin your postpartum recovery. Remember to be patient until you’ve had your 6-8 week check up with your Gynaecologist or Doctor. However, there are some simple, safe things you can do in the early stages to help begin your healing in a well-researched, evidence based, return to fitness programme. Denise, from Mama Restore has compiled an easy, step by step programme to guide you on your fitness journey in your first trimester weeks 1-16.

What do you receive?

  • You will receive 4 videos to follow along with Denise and Hayley in the comfort of your own home.
  • Video weeks 1-8 focuses on breathing, posture and alignment plus some very gentle mobilising  and relaxation exercises.
  • Video weeks 8-12 introduces reconnecting to the core muscles of the pelvic floor and abdomen, along with appropriate exercises.
  • Video weeks 12-16 sees the programme ramping its intensity to target the legs and upper body but still including lovely release, stretch and mobilising exercises.
  • BONUS exercise postpartum video where Denise and Hayley present a full workout to get a new Mom functionally fit and body confident.

Please note: If you purchase both Mama Restore and Postpartum 1-16 Weeks Recovery packages you will receive a discount and get a full programme of information, videos and PDF’s, plus personalised, guided support from the founder of Mama Restore, Denise Louw.


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