Dear Valued Client
I am writing this to you; my valued client and YOU know who you are! I love and respect that you take your health and fitness seriously and want to take control back of your own body. I love the way that you engage 100% and are always eager to learn and appreciate how you can empower yourself with this newfound knowledge. We share the same values and I feel that we have made a connection as we work together.
I believe your big ambition in life is to be a successful business woman; which you already are but you are always striving to aim higher! You also strive to be a great Mother and grow mentally and spiritually into the type of woman you hold dear to your heart.
In connecting together you now know and believe that you have the power to be that woman you want to be, achieve the things in life that you desire and aspire to be the master of your own destination. I am committed to share this journey with you and be part of the solution to make you whole again and take you from where you are currently standing to a whole new level of fitness and complete health.
You are not alone with having midline separation, whilst I know at times you have felt that you are on your own this is not the case and this affects millions of women out there leaving them suffering and feeling vunerable, lacking confidence, with low self esteem and feeling overly self conscious of their bodies.
Once you are on the healing path to recovery and you have the body confidence that you deserve the sky will be the limit for your onward journey and leave you feeling like a new woman with a new body! At CORE RESTORE I am fully committed and want to share and connect with you, through my deep knowledge and understanding of the post partum body a programme that is unique to South Africa. Together we can get you to where you need to be, fully functional and truely body confident inside and out.
When you look back and see how far you have already come, through your own hard work, dedication and commitment I applaud you. I recognise how difficut it must be at times as you juggle the roles of Mom and business woman to maintain the discipline but seeing the results of your efforts you keep going – you are an inspiration.
You and I both connect, we understand each other and respect who we are and where we’ve come from, we have shared on a deeper emotional level which makes us stand in a mutual place where at times words are not needed.
I believe in you my valued client and I absolutely know with all my heart that as we share and continue on this journey together that with my support and your commitment we WILL fulfill your ultimate goal.
Yours in health
Denise x
This is so beautiful! xxx
Thank you Shannon x x