Boxing Gloves On For A Home Birth

Boxing Gloves On For A Home Birth

Weeks 8-12 taken from my pregnancy journal   After two natural births that were quick and relatively pain free I really wanted to try for a home birth, I had to talk my husband around as he couldn’t understand why I would opt for that when I could get a couple of...
My “Surprise” Pregnancy

My “Surprise” Pregnancy

The following post is based on words from my pregnancy journal. Weeks 5-8 To me having a baby is an absolute miracle. It is a true gift of love and in an everchanging world, Mother Nature; through the birth of a new life life reminds us that some things remain...
My Home Birth Story

My Home Birth Story

I’m Pregnant!   Way back in 1993 people were surprised when I announced that I was pregnant with my third child and even more shocked more than surprised when I decided that this time round I was going to have a baby MY way. My way was a home birth where I...
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